Saturday, March 27, 2010

Welcome to Spring!

Hello everyone,

Each time I login in to the email system, the list has grown. Now we have friends from as far as Australia participating in each Goma. Thank you all for your support!

May I welcome you to the Spring Season! The vernal equinox which took place this past Saturday represented the day when the daytime/nightime were equal and our actual and spiritual passing into the spring season.

From the ancient Taoist teachings comes the creationary and control cycles depicting how each of the five elements (Wood ---> Fire----> Earth --->Metal--->Water) interact in three different models:

1) How one creates another

2) How one consumes another

3) How one controls/moderates another

This model is so interesting to study and forms the basis of Chinese medicine/acupuncture.

Spring is the season of wood...the element that lends to birth and growth...and feeds fire. Spring time is the natural time to clean (Spring cleaning) and to enjoy the burst of energy that comes with the youth of birth of growth.

Come celebrate wood giving birth to fire at this month's Goma Fire Ceremony which falls on a SUNDAY!

Sunday March 28th at 4:30pm. If you wish to inscribe wishes on wood please arrive by 4:30pm. If you wish to only observe the ceremony, we will start at about 5:00. It's fine to arrive at 5:00 or after if you only wish to observe the ritual.

As always please do invite friends and if you cannot make it and have wishes that you would like to offer for manifestation, you may email them to us at