Tuesday, December 22, 2009

New Years Goma | Guarding Health During Holiday Season

Of course this time of year we are all so busy celebrating the holidays of light at the darkest time of the year with good food, friends, family, and gifts. Whatever holiday you celebrate, please enjoy! And please enjoy all of the pristine freshly fallen snow. I can't remember the last white Christmas we had in CT.

We just crossed the winter solstice "Touji" in Japanese. This was the shortest day of the year and we are moving into the most yin time of the year. This time when all life retreats inward is a great time for profound spiritual reflection. (and a trip to Keywest J)

Please also guard your health at this time of year by being sure to cover up the back of your neck and staying warm. The back of the neck houses two important acupuncture points called "gallbladder 20" or "gate of wind" translated from Chinese. Oriental medicine teaches us that the internal climate is a microcosm of the external climate and as such we are susceptible to invasions by cold wind and dampness. One of the entry points for the cold wind is the back of the neck. From there is travels to the lung which houses the first barrier of protective energy. This is why we sneeze , sniffle, and cough.

The Japanese term for " to catch a cold" is Kaze o Hikimashita or "to catch the wind."

So please do your best to avoid catching a cold, a wind, or a cold wind by covering up the back of your neck, staying warm, eating healthy warming/yang foods, getting enough sleep, and staying happy.

Perhaps the best way to stay warm is attend this month's Goma. I know it may sound ridiculous but we have two new heaters - one an outdoor wood burning stove and the other a propane heater. That means we will have 3 heaters next weekend.

Our New Years Goma obstacle removing fire ceremony will be held on Sunday December 27th. Please note that we have moved it up one day from the customary 28th so that more people can attend. This is perhaps the most important Goma of the year as it clears away all obstacles to whatever you want/need in the new year. It's also a wonderful way to boost your new year's resolutions. So please join us if you can and invite friends. Please arrive by 2pm.

May you be filled with brightness going into the new year.

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